Litchfield Dental Dental Blog

Dental Cleanings Near Me, Litchfield MN

While many dental procedures can be dreadful, teeth cleanings are easily tolerated by most people because they’re not only simple and painless, but also an important part of maintaining your long-term oral health. Ideally, dental cleanings should be performed every 6-12 months to prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar that can cause oral problems such as bad breath, cavities, gum disease, loose teeth, and so on. But your dentist may recommend shorter intervals if you’re at greater risk due to pregnancy, your lifestyle habits, or your general health. 

So what exactly happens during a regular dental cleaning?

1. Tartar and Plaque Removal 

The actual teeth cleaning process involves the use of specialized tools, such as scalers to remove plaque and calculus from the surface of individual teeth, between the teeth, and around the gum line. This step may take longer if it has been a long time since your last cleaning. 

2. Polishing  

When all the plaque and tartar has been removed from your teeth, the hygienist will use a special  brush with a soft rubber cup. This not only removes any surface stains, but also makes your tooth surface smooth and shiny to make it harder for plaque to form. 

3. Expert Flossing 

This step helps to thoroughly clean the area between your teeth to remove any leftover plaque and toothpaste from the previous steps. 

4. Rinsing 

The dental hygienist uses a mouth rinse with liquid fluoride to remove any debris and clean your mouth. 

5. Fluoride Treatment 

As the final step, your dental hygienist may apply flavored fluoride by putting it in flexible trays that are then placed over your teeth for 30 seconds. This helps to strengthen your teeth and enhance the protection against plaque and calculus. 

Following the cleaning, your mouth may feel fresher and your teeth appear brighter. This is because teeth cleaning helps to prevent and treat gum disease and maintain tooth health, but also enhance the appearance of your smile. To learn more about what to expect from a routine dental cleaning in Litchfield MN, please contact our office today.

Dental Check Ups & Teeth Cleaning in Litchfield MN

Many people today know about the importance of oral health and how it affects your overall health. Optimal oral hygiene requires a combination of proper and consistent daily oral hygiene practices at home and routine professional dental cleanings. This helps to protect your teeth from decay and keep the gums healthy, while keeping your smile bright. 

However, one thing that may not be clear is why the American Dental Association recommends dental cleanings every six months. Generally, brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing every day should help to remove most of the harmful bacteria from your teeth and mouth. But the small quantity of bacteria that remains may still pose a threat to your oral health over time, if it’s not removed. 

Some of the risks include:

  • Excessive tooth wear and cavities from the acid produced by plaque 
  • Bad breath from improper teeth cleaning 
  • Teeth discoloration from the colored foods you consume and calcification and mineralization of plaque in the form of tartar or calculus, which attracts more harmful bacteria
  • Minor gum infection or gingivitis, which is characterized by gum inflammation, swelling, and reddening. Due to sensitive gums, you may also notice some blood on your toothbrush or when rinsing your mouth after brushing. 
  • Advanced gum infection – If there are no interventions, gingivitis can advance to a more serious case of gum disease known as periodontitis or periodontal disease. It affects the foundation of your teeth – the bone tissue connecting your teeth to the jaw. 
  • Exacerbated health issues – the infection can spread from your mouth to other tissues, making it harder to manage other conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and dementia 

Cleanings for Optimal Oral Health 

Fortunately, most of these problems can be successfully treated or managed with professional dental cleaning and an improved oral care regimen at home. That said, periodontitis is a chronic, progressive, and episodic gum infection. If not treated promptly, periodontitis can cause severe bone loss that loosens your teeth with some even falling out. Though it’s irreversible, dental professionals can help you manage the symptoms and improve your oral health. 

Please visit your dentist today to examine the condition of your teeth and gums and determine the best type of dental cleaning in Litchfield MN to improve your oral health and reduce the risk of advanced gum disease and cavities.

Litchfield Dental Dental Offer

6 Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles is a short term orthodontic treatment that involves wearing clear braces to straighten and improve tooth alignment. This alternative treatment is a convenient approach to a straighter smile without the time commitment.

Learn more