Litchfield Dental Dental Blog

Why Choose Dental Implants in Litchfield MN

Having a missing tooth or teeth can have a significant impact on your confidence and oral health. Fortunately, dental implants in Litchfield offer a tooth replacement solution that is trusted by dentists and provides long-term results for patients.

How Do Implants Enhance Your Smile?

Dental implants are an excellent solution to improve your smile if you are missing a single tooth, multiple teeth, or need to replace all of your teeth. A dental implant is essentially an artificial tooth that is placed, or implanted, into your jaw where a dental crown is then capped on for a complete tooth that looks and even feels like a real tooth.  With implant dentures, you are able to replace all of your teeth with a beautiful smile that is both strong and aesthetically pleasing. In general, the best part of the new replacement tooth or teeth will function as seamlessly as your regular tooth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

As one of the most recommended tooth replacement options, dental implants in Litchfield offer patients a variety of benefits to improve their smile including:

  • Preventing potential of Perio disease that could be caused by continuous bone loss
  • Preserving bone and stability for your teeth
  • Enhancing the appearance of your smile

Overall, dental implants provide a natural-looking tooth replacement option to help you maintain or improve your oral health. To best understand how implants can work for you, it is important to consult with a cosmetic dentist near you. After examining your teeth and gums, your dentist can determine if tooth replacement is right for you.

Schedule Your Consultation

To find out if you are a good candidate for dental implants, contact your cosmetic dentist in Litchfield to schedule your consultation. We look forward to helping you find the best tooth replacement solution to help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

What to Expect with Dental Implants in Litchfield MN

Dental implants provide the most natural tooth replacement possible. The artificial tooth comprises a titanium post that acts as the tooth root, connecting the crown to the underlying bone tissue. The result is a restoration that looks, feels, and functions like your natural tooth. It also doesn’t require any special cleaning procedures. You just need to brush, floss, and schedule regular professional cleanings like normal. 

If you have one or more missing teeth, the gap in your mouth can be filled in a number of ways, including dental implants. That said, you need to visit your dentist to determine whether you’re a good candidate for dental implants. 

The Initial Consultation

During your first appointment for dental implants, the dentist will review your medical history and investigate lifestyle factors that may affect your treatment, such as smoking and alcohol consumption. He will then physically examine your mouth and take x-rays, 3D scans, impressions, and photos to help design your tooth replacement and plan your treatment. 

Generally, to be considered a good candidate for dental implants, the gap should have a healthy amount of gum and bone tissue. In some cases, the oral surgeon may recommend that you go through additional procedures like bone grafting to build up the bone tissue so it’s sufficient to support the implant and replacement tooth. Soft tissue grafting may also be necessary to ensure that the gums can adequately cover the new tooth root (implant). 

Get Healthy for a Successful Implant Placement

The success rate for dental implants is over 95%. However, some patients are at risk of complications, especially if they smoke, consume excess alcohol, have gum disease, or are suffering from certain medical problems that prevent proper healing and timely recovery. 

If the dentist identifies any oral or medical problems that may reduce the chances of a successful implant, they will try to help you manage them. Ideally, the mouth should be free of gum disease, infections, and excessive teeth wear as it could indicate bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching) that can prevent proper healing of the implant. 

Please consult your Litchfield dentist for a personal examination to determine if you’re a good candidate.

Dental Implant Dentist Near Me, Litchfield MN

When it comes to repairing your smile after tooth loss, it is important that you work with a quality dental implant dentist in Litchfield with multiple options to help you attain the smile of your dreams. Dental implants provide one of the best ways to permanently replace missing teeth and restore the optimal function and beauty of your mouth. 

An Artificial Tooth that Feels Natural

Dental implants are a permanent solution for restoring missing teeth that involves the surgical placement of a small titanium post that will bond to the jaw bone. The implant provides a strong anchor for the custom-made crown that will be placed above the gums to fill the gap. This post acts as a tooth root, so it continues to stimulate the jawbone just like your natural tooth. This, in turn, helps to retain your natural face structure and prevents premature aging. This is why it is beneficial to visit a dental implant dentist in Litchfield to find out if implants are right for you.

Other benefits of dental implants include:

  • Dental implants fit into your mouth like a natural tooth because they’re anchored into your jaw bone, so they feel and function like your original teeth 
  • Permanent, long-term tooth replacement solution that should last a lifetime with proper maintenance 
  • Easier to speak, eat, and maintain oral hygiene – Implants allow you to bite and chew your favorite foods without fear of the replacement tooth/teeth slipping or falling out of place. 
  • They don’t require any special cleaning or hygiene practices. You simply brush and floss like your other teeth
  • Protects healthy teeth and bone – Dental implants are standalone, meaning that they need to be supported by adjacent teeth. In fact, they fill a gap and prevent adjacent teeth from shifting, which helps to maintain proper structure and function. 

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Dental implants can be used to replace one or more missing teeth, either alone or with dentures. Some additional procedures may be necessary to provide sufficient bone material to bond with the titanium post, like bone grafting. Please visit your dentist in Litchfield MN to discuss your case and candidature for dental implants. 

Dental Implant Dentist Near Me, Litchfield MN

Dental implants are arguably the best solution for missing teeth. When you have a severely damaged or decayed tooth that cannot be saved with a crown or root canal therapy, then your dental implant dentist may recommend that it be completely removed. 

Unfortunately, any spaces left unfilled between your teeth cause adjacent teeth to shift towards the gap, causing bite misalignment and other problems. In addition, without the tooth root to stimulate the underlying bone tissue, the jawbone may begin to lose mass and strength (bone atrophy), which makes your face shrink and look older. If your dentist recommends tooth extraction, he/she will also suggest an appropriate tooth replacement option to prevent this from happening. 

What to Expect 

A dental implant is surgically placed in the jawbone and allowed to fuse with your natural bone, creating a firm foundation for the replacement tooth. Singular implants can be used to replace one missing tooth or to support bridgework for 2 or 3 missing teeth. Multiple implants can also be placed at appropriate intervals to support dentures and keep them from slipping when eating and talking. 

Dental implants are the only restorative option that stops bone atrophy after tooth loss. A dental implant comprises three parts:

  • Titanium post – that is surgically placed into the jawbone 
  • Abutment – used to attach the post to the crown 
  • Crown – section of the tooth above the gum line that is connected to the post via the abutment

Who is the Right Candidate for Dental Implants?

Although the success rate of dental implants is high, at over 96%, the right candidate should:

  • Have good overall health with no signs of gum disease, tooth decay, or jawbone degeneration
  • Have sufficient jawbone tissue to support the posts 
  • Have no conditions that put you at risk of surgical procedures, like over bleeding

If you don’t have enough bone tissue to support an implant, the dental implant dentist may recommend a bone regeneration procedure to build up the base for the implant. This will, however, increase the duration of your dental implant treatment from the usual 4-6 months. 

It is important that you discuss with your dentist in Litchfield about your candidacy for dental implants. 

Cost of Dental Implants in Litchfield MN

If you are looking to replace one or more missing teeth, or perhaps you’re looking for a more reliable alternative to old dentures, partials, or loose teeth, your dentist may recommend, and restore your oral health, function, and youthful vibrancy with dental implants. Dental implants are a revolutionary tooth replacement option which makes the cost of dental implants worth the expense to achieve the time-tested benefits.

 Implants are safe, reliable, and well-proven for permanently replacing one or more missing teeth. Many people have benefited from dental implants as the preferred long-term solution for excellent comfort and function, which they claim to be similar to having your natural teeth. 

Unlike other tooth replacement options, like bridgework and dentures, the placement of dental implants involves a minor surgical procedure, during which the implant will be placed in the jaw. This single factor makes the treatment more costly than other options. Dental implants lie in the category of implantology under restoration dentistry. They require specialist care that is typically more expensive than general dental care. Actually, they can only be placed by an oral surgeon, periodontist, or dentist with relevant advanced training and experience.

The other things that affect the cost of implants are:

  • Position of the tooth – replacing a front tooth usually involves a lot more work because of the minimal work-space available compared to a back tooth. In addition, the abutment used in the front teeth is usually more costly than the standard abutments used in back teeth placement. 
  • Thorough examination – the consultation process also includes a number of costly exams including diagnostic imaging (panoramic X-ray). 
  • Multiple, unique parts – each implant comprises three elements: the implant, abutment, and crown, all of which are made from different materials, through different processes, and are placed at different appointments. 
  • Additional procedures – some patients require periodontal treatment or bone grafts to prepare your gums and bone tissue for implant surgery and increase your chances of a successful procedure, which adds to the overall cost of treatment. 

Please visit your dental surgeon in Litchfield today to find out about the cost of getting dental implants for your specific case.  

Cost of Dental Implants in Litchfield MN

Implants are one of the most common options for replacing one tooth or multiple teeth when combined with bridgework or dentures. Though the cost of dental implants is more expensive, they are preferred to other tooth replacement solutions because they are more secure and stable, offering the same level of comfort as your natural teeth. 

What May Increase the Cost of Dental Implants?

The cost of getting implants varies considerably depending on different factors. For instance, some people may not be good candidates for the procedure because of using tobacco products or having a medical or dental condition that could prevent a successful dental implant placement. 

Your oral surgeon may recommend bone grafting for patients with severe bone tissue loss to ensure that they have sufficient bone tissue to integrate with the titanium implant, and subsequently provide strong support for your replacement teeth. If you use tobacco products or have a medical condition or are taking medications that may affect bone healing such as diabetes, you need to get the situation under management before starting treatment. All of these situations increase the cost of your dental implant procedure. 

Replacing a front tooth may also cost more because it involves a lot more work, owing to the minimal work-space available compared to a back tooth. In addition, the abutment used in the front teeth is usually more costly than the standard abutments used in back teeth placement. You also need to keep in mind that each implant comprises three elements: the implant, abutment, and crown, all of which are made from different materials, through different processes, and are placed at different appointments.

Specialist Care Costs More

Implants also require specialist care that is typically more expensive than general dental care. Dental implants lie in the category of implantology under restoration dentistry. The consultation for dental implants also involves a number of costly exams including diagnostic imaging (panoramic X-ray). Moreover, they can only be placed by an oral surgeon, periodontist, or dentist with relevant advanced training and experience.

To find out the cost for your dental implants, please visit your dental surgeon in Litchfield MN today. 

Litchfield Dental Dental Offer

6 Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles is a short term orthodontic treatment that involves wearing clear braces to straighten and improve tooth alignment. This alternative treatment is a convenient approach to a straighter smile without the time commitment.

Learn more